Visit our farm to view some of the most beautiful Arabians in the world

CALL: (855) 806-6610
5952 Vanderipe Road
Sarasota, FL 34241-9504



Arabian Horses for Sale, Sarasota, FL


At the Water Trough:  what's happening at Hawk's Flight Farm

January 2017

This beautiful yearling filly, Anastasia MPE was bred and is owned by MPE Arabians, San Gennaro, Italy.  Her owners, our friends, Emilio and Antonio Manzi, have entrusted her with us and we are in the process of planning her show career.  She arrived at Hawk's Flight Farm a few weeks ago and is loving the Florida winter weather with her new friends!

Photos by Joanna Joneintz

 Her dam, Thee Rahiba.....


December 2016

Hawk's Flight Partners, LLC is thrilled to announce that Tapestry EP, "Tia", will be the month of February 2017 calendar photo for the month of April.

Tia was sired by Elite AF and is out of our True Colours daughter, HF Exquisite Colours.

This magnificent stallion is Elite AF.  Elite AF was sired by the legendary stallion, DA Valentino.  His dam is the lovely, champion-producing mare, Aria Elita.  Hawk's Flight Farm is proud to be in partnership with Arabian Futures and the Hawk's Flight Partners, LLC for some future foals.  Elite has the size, stretch and movement that we have been looking for to cross with our Amir Jamaal daughters and granddaughters.


Photos by Lori Ricigliano and Suzanne Sturgill


A sight, that we as breeders, LOVE to see - a 33 day old embryo on the ultrasound!  This baby's dam is our True Colours daughter, HF Exquisite Colours - the sire - ELITE AF!!!
Ah yes, the joys of the never-ending rain, mud, rain, mud in our Florida summer - this one has been particularly bad with flooding and storms.  Here is our other Barn Goddess - Jaimie Tabar - anointed by one of our rambunctious Arabians as they were being brought in through six inches of muck - you are a trooper Jaimie!
HF Tutti  Frutti - YES!! Checked in foal to Magic Magnifique for a 2016 February foal!


March 3, 2014

It is with a heavy heart that we had to bury our beloved Gabriel today.  Gabe died from complications after a surgical procedure and we are just devastated by this loss.


It was too soon to earn those angel wings and I miss you at my side every day...


HF Hot Chocolate at 6 months - note the color!

Amir Jamaal X Lady Godivaa (Padron Psyche)

And today with his new owner, Victoria Willcox on one of their 50-mile endurance rides here in Florida!  Victoria, thank you for "taking the reins" and the time to understand "Dare", as he is now called, and are now reaping the benefits of a true partnership - good luck this year on the endurance circuit!

It is always wonderful to hear how Amir Jamaal's offspring are doing in their various parts of the world.  Featured to the left is our friend, Shannon Lewis and her 2008 chestnut mare, Star Minuet.  

"Mini" is out of a Polish-bred mare and is shown here with Shannon in Colorado taking a course in training for a Mounted Police group.  They also are great trail partners! Another example of the versatility of the Arabian horses...


November 2013

We are very proud to announce that HF Tutti Frutti was Reserve Champion in the 3-4 year old mare class at the 2013 Arabian Horse Association of Florida Tampa show.

Many thanks to John Power for her training and taking her into her first show - congratulations on a superb showing!

photo credit:  Julie Patton

November 7, 2013

It is always heart-warming to see an Arabian from one's breeding program go to, not only a wonderful new owner - Jamie Sealander - but to also see that horse have a "job".

I am really looking forward to seeing Jamie Ashley - pictured riding HF Bella Amira - on the dressage circuit!  We will have a huge cheering section for Bella, Jamie and Jamie!

photo credit - Roy Colwell

November 1, 2013

"The Adventures at Hawk's Flight Farm"

Many thanks to Zhanna Kens and Nicholas Seckar for putting together this video capturing some of the highlights of the fashion shoot here at the farm. It was fun!

Also, thanks to the patience and time given by the Annamaria Island Concert, Chorus and Orchestra, Carol Prokap (as Event Coordinator), Blue Door Spa for hair and make-up,and the ovely models:  Allyshia Gupta, Kathleen Wisneski, and Laura Garcia.

Click here to view the video



October 24, 2013

I am very excited to announce that every fourth Thursday of the month, I will be co-hosting a special show with Glenn The Geek on Horses in the Morning - subject - ARABIANS!!!

My guests for this date were John Power and Frank Hennessy.  Each took time out from their busy schedule at US Nationals to share their insight on US Nationals and other topics.  These on-line shows are great because you can listen at your leisure as you are driving or working at home - please e-mail me with any topics regarding Arabians you would like us to highlight in an upcoming show.

Click here for the link

October 17, 2013

I received a message on Facebook from a friend, Meisha,  I had not heard from in years.  She shared with me that her son, Jonathan, had written an essay that had won first place in a writing contest.

Meisha sent it to me and related that the arena Jonathan was describing was our arena...I read the essay and tears came to my eyes.

Meisha has given me permission to share this with you - I think you will find it as beautiful as I did - congratulations Jonathan!!! (and isn't he adorable?)

Click here to read Jonathan's essay




October 2013

Hawk's Flight Farm is now offering lessons with Karen Abbatista in the disciplines of classical dressage and in Western Dressage - an exciting new discipline sanctioned by USEF!  Adults and young riders are welcome....


Karen is pictured here riding our stallion, Amir Jamaal, at our Open House in 2009.

Please call or e-mail me for prices and scheduling.

October 10, 2013 - what a fun day!  Hawk's Flight Farm hosted a photo/video shoot for designer Zhanna Kens.  A full support crew was in the barn - hair and make-up in the barn office, a violinist and cellist were playing music on the barn terrace, and three adorable, beautiful models were gowned in Zhanna's colorful creations all over the property!

Thanks to Carol Prokap for getting us all together and to Nicholas Seckar for the video and photography....

Pictured here are from left to right:  Allyshia Gupta, Kathleen Wisneski, and Laura Garcia

in the rear - HF Amira de Lis and Jacob...

I was really honored to be asked to co-host an online radio show - about, gee - ARABIANS!! - with Glenn the Geek on Horses in the Morning.  Our guests were my local friends, Karen Abbatista and Tori Blankenship - we had a great time and were given some wonderful information about Western Dressage.

If you have some time to listen - tune in below:

Horses in the Morning - September 24, 2013


Photos By Sam - Senior Photo Day  - September 2013

@ Hawk's Flight Farm


Annamaria is one of our favorite students/clients; she is pictured here with her 2000 bay gelding - HF Rohan Jamaal ("Ryan") - sired by Amir Jamaal and out of Lady Menes.

We had fun helping Sam Johnson -

setting up the photo shoot with Annamaria, Ryan and her early graduation present, her VW - good luck with your Senior Year, Annamaria!

Ryan is being trained in dressage basics by Karen Abbatista...

Hawk's Flight Farm is thrilled to see the future unfolding with our talented friend/photographer, Jamie Sealander, as she embarks on training with her mare, HF Bella Amira.  They will be pursuing the show ribbons in the world of Western Dressage.

Bella is by Odyssey SC and out of our Amir Jamaal daughter, HF Amira de Lis - best of luck to this couple who clearly adore each other!

We adore our barn manager, Jacob, and were excited to see his adorable son - Walker!!  This is the coolest shot taken by our friend, Sam Johnson.


We are sure that Arabians will be involved in his childhood...

August 2013

It is with great excitement that we announce our partnership with Leanne Todd and Wil Graham of Aubrey, Texas on our lovely Amir Jamaal daughter - HF Lady Bonbon - aka - Lady Dragon!!!

This mare is always amped up and it will be wonderful to see how she channels all that energy in the perfomance ring!

Cannot wait to see how the future unfolds for this team!


August 2013

Many thanks to Karen Abbatista for the unbelievable scores with HF Cali Daaba in the OPEN dressage shows recently.

Her scores have been in the high 60's - not bad for her first two shows!  We look forward to seeing what she can do at the Tampa Thanksgiving show against her fellow Arabians...

This spring we were thrilled to be able to help our wonderful friends, Sandy and Charlie Miller of Sanchas Arabians, foal out their mare, HF Magnum Antares  - aka "Torrie".

The sire - pictured here - is HF Winning Colours - by True Colours and out of our Amir Jamaal daughter, HF Amira de Lis.  It was a profound moment when Torrie gave birth to an incredible bay colt as he represents four generations of our breeding program.

SA Vivid Colours - as the foal has been named - will be one colt to watch as he makes his debut in the show ring someday!